As most GCMA co-design and research projects include people’s participation, an ethics review is undertaken for each project to comply with recognised national research ethics standards.

The Human Research Ethics Advisory Committee is a body established under the auspices of the GCMA to provide independent advice. It is an advisory committee, giving its recommendations to the GCMA about the risk level of each project. The key role of the ethics advisory committee is to evaluate the risk level and ethical considerations of GCMA projects, as defined in the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research.

The committee reviews all proposals and, based on the assessed risk level, has the ability to consider low risk projects internally or direct projects to accredited ethics committees, experienced in non-low risk research projects.

The ethics committee process helps to protect the welfare and the rights of participants in all GCMA projects. This offers our projects a quality assurance system, ensuring that participant privacy, data protection and the methods applied, meet the highest standards.

What is Modern Ageing?

Human Research Ethics Advisory Committee

At the Global Centre for Modern Ageing® (GCMA), we understand the responsibilities that come with conducting co-design and research, and the importance of protecting the rights and welfare of our co-designers and research participants.

Modern Ageing® sparks an inclusive future, that engages people throughout the whole of life’s course, to participate and belong in the ways they truly value.