What We’re Doing

Learn how the Global Centre for Modern Ageing® applies innovative design thinking to the opportunities of ageing and longevity through our client case studies, research publications and day-to-day work.

We are privileged to work alongside industry leaders on innovative ageing-focused research projects, and respect the ‘Commercial in Confidence’ nature of these engagements.

Each of our case studies has been shared with our clients’ express consent.


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News GCMA Team News GCMA Team

AgeTech, un-retirement and a fifth birthday: GCMA’s CEO reflects on what ageing well means

To celebrate five productive years of the Global Centre for Modern Ageing®, CEO Julianne Parkinson shares her reflections with Inside Ageing, on the organisation’s most exciting, impactful ageing-focused projects to date. She also discusses what it means to age well in the context of shifting demographics, changing societal values, attitudes and expectations.

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News GCMA Team News GCMA Team

Interview in HR Leader: ‘Unretirement’: What is it, and how can employers benefit from it?

The so-called Unretirement phenomenon can help to bridge skills gaps, and strengthen teams. And, according to GCMA CEO Julianne Parkinson, all that’s required of organisations seeking to take advantage is a little open-mindedness. Read Julianne’s interview with HR Leader, describing how older workers are redefining conventional notions of retirement, and re-entering the workforce in record numbers.

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GCMA visits Hong Kong

GCMA CEO Julianne Parkinson was privileged to listen, learn and share feedback and suggestions relating to Ageing Well with a host of impressive leaders who are working collaboratively to shape the evolving Hong Kong Gerontechnology ecosystem.

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Celebrating Excellence: Ageing Asia World Ageing Festival 2023 Eldercare Awards & Start Up Winners

The GCMA was delighted to return as a ‘Prize of Choice’ for two significant awards at Ageing Asia’s World Ageing Festival 2023. This year’s worthy recipients, BeKind Solutions and Salvation Army Peacehaven are advancing the care and well-being of our ageing population. Their endeavours serve as a testament to the positive impact that dedication and ingenuity can have on improving the lives of older adults.

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New Frontier Roadmap for Hong Kong: The role Gerontechnology can play

The Global Centre for Modern Ageing® has been working with a collaborative Consortium of nine organisations, appointed by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, to develop a Gerontechnology Platform for the city. Together with local stakeholders, we have delivered a Blueprint Strategy Report, outlining a comprehensive roadmap for the establishment of a Gerontechnology Living Lab in Hong Kong.

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