Participate with the Global Centre for Modern Ageing®
Join our
vibrant community!
Become a Co-Designer
Help us learn what truly matters to you!
At the Global Centre for Modern Ageing®, we harness the wisdom and lived experience of older citizens, their families and caring networks, through our inclusive and engaging research program.
Our diverse, welcoming community of older co-designers work alongside businesses to design, build and commercialise products and solutions that enable and empower older people to live flourishing, independent lives.
When you join our research community, you will be invited to participate in a range of enjoyable co-design activities, from half-day workshops to longer-term studies spanning several months.
Projects are run in our globally-accredited LifeLab® at Tonsley Innovation District, as well as in real-life community settings.
We also conduct research studies via surveys, apps and online forums.
The common thread is innovative products, services and technologies that reflect the immense and exciting opportunities of Modern Ageing®.
This is your chance to tell businesses and organisations what truly matters to you, and collaborate with them on product and service development ideas, to better meet your needs and preferences in the future.
Read our case studies to learn more about the kinds of projects our co-designers and researchers have worked on, or register as a prospective participant via the link below.

Our participatory research explores key themes related to
purposeful, positive ageing.

Digital Access and Inclusion

Age-Friendly Precincts

Technology for Ageing Well

Home Equity & Financial Products

Workforce Engagement & Transitions

Ageing in Place
Latest News

Ken (73)
GCMA Co-Designer
“Co-design is built on two levels. The first is in designing products and services. The second is more focused on building communities and culture among seniors. That’s what really interests me.
“It’s important to consider ageing across the spectrum when trying to answer this question. We need to ask millennials, as well as Baby Boomers and everyone else. We have to consider the future when considering what it means to age well.”

Participant Registration
For further information about co-design, please email the Global Centre for Modern Ageing® using the button below.