Potatoes SA: Redefining nutrition for healthy ageing
Project Overview
As part of the launch of our LifeLab, we partnered with Potatoes SA to help the South Australian company reconsider its approach to research, development and innovation.
The project was one of two pilot projects run at LifeLab®, which explored entrepreneurial products to support older people to remain active and healthy; and to continue doing the things they enjoy.
The pilot was part of a two-year collaborative project between Potatoes SA, the University of Adelaide and several food companies to develop new nutrient-enriched sophisticated lifestyle-driven potato puree based food products to support healthy and active ageing.
The project was funded through the South Australian Government’s Advanced Food Manufacturing Grants Program.
“Potatoes South Australia and the Global Centre for Modern Ageing® (GCMA) worked collaboratively in the trial of new nutrient-enriched sophisticated lifestyle-driven potato puree-based foods to support healthy and active ageing. The GCMA brought the research to life in its living laboratory and assisted in the evaluation of the food products’ potential suitability for commercialisation. The GCMA provided unique insights around the customer experience, including reactions to the food’s taste and texture. The GCMA’s user experience research also provided valuable information concerning the intangible qualities of enjoyment and nostalgia.”
The Trial
The pilot sought to understand how people experienced an increase in the nutrient content in everyday food.
During the pilot session, participants were given a selection of foods to try and were asked to provide feedback regarding appearance, smell, taste and texture and also took part in a nutritional and behavioural exercise. Throughout the sessions, the participants’ reactions to the food were captured.
Potatoes SA co-design trial in the Global Centre for Modern Ageing LifeLab® at Tonsley.
As well as evaluating whether the foods were fit for purpose, insights gained included reactions to the food tasting and offered Potatoes SA with a better appreciation of intangible qualities such as enjoyment, nostalgia and civic responsibility about waste reduction.
At the end of the session, the results of the tasting were revealed and participants engaged in a discussion about the key ingredients.
The client report provided summarised the responses and insights gathered from participants; and identified some opportunities and potential next steps.
More Information
To learn more about this case study, and how the Global Centre for Modern Ageing® can support your business, contact our knowledgeable team today on +61 8 6117 5510.