Season’s Greetings from our GCMA Team
As our dedicated Global Centre for Modern Ageing® team break for the festive season, we reflect on the importance of older adults in inclusive communities.
Throughout the year, our team has been privileged to engage with thousands of older Australians, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, CALD Elders, migrants, and community leaders, discussing their expectations, aspirations, and unmet needs.
At every turn, we have been moved by their example, awed by their resilience, and galvanised to pursue our vision of a brighter, more inclusive future for older people, across every domain, from the workplace to the wider community.
We sincerely thank our engaged and enthusiastic co-design community. It is only through your thoughtful and compelling contributions that the GCMA and our valued partners can make a genuine difference in the everyday lives of older people. We wish you peace and happiness throughout the festive season, and in the coming year.
We extend these warm wishes to our esteemed clients operating within government, private sector and NGOs. We hope that you too will take a moment to reflect on the positive changes you are creating through your varied, purpose-driven projects. Thank you for the immense trust you have placed in us.
Together, we have found new ways of working in pursuit of our vitally important common goals.
Just imagine what we can accomplish together in 2023!
Wishing you a joyful and safe, relaxing holiday season.
Warm Regards,
Julianne Parkinson and the GCMA Team